Adair Cerulean

Quick Stats:
Name: Adair Cerulean (surname becomes Travellarri) 
Birthdate: Charioscuro 37th, 441 (equivalent of March 19th) 
Age: 22 
Height: 5'5"
Birthplace: Concordia
Astrological Sign: Libra 
Tarot Card: Page of Cups 
Occupation: cartographer
Magic: Colorweaving (illustration/illusion)
Favorite Hobby/Skills: drawing, painting, cooking, eating
Favorite Color: sky blue
Fears: heights
Traits: cheerful, sweet, affectionate
Links: Pinterest Board

About Adair:
Adair is an arcane painter and cartographer whose illusion/illustration magic channels through art. (Magic is called "weaving" in these stories.) More than a little obsessed with food, particularly pies and desserts, Adair loves cooking almost as much as he loves drawing, spending time with his friends, and puns. Nothing can compare to his love of a groan-worthy joke! Just like a pie, he's sweet, a little flaky, and everyone's always happy to see him. He's usually cheerful and optimistic, but this has been known to swing around to moody or subdued. When your voice isn’t heard for years and years, it’s hard to learn to reclaim it. Adair's a trans boy who wears his heart on his sleeve next to the paint stains that regularly splatter his clothes. He's the heart of a misfit group of carnival performers who consider him one of their own.

To learn more about Adair, check out his moodboard pages!
Adair's Bio
Adair's Map
Adair's Past
The Trio
(Adair, Blythe, & Etri)
Adair &
Adair &
Adair &

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Doll by Meri

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